His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.”
John 2:5

We are all looking for the right path in life. We choose where we live, what we will wear, who are friends will be. The power of choice is another of God's amazing gifts to us. We are not robots performing a pre-programmed set of actions. The Lawgiver, Moses, told the people of Israel, "I set before you life and death ... blessing and cursing ... therefore choose life."(Deuteronomy 30:19) We have the power to choose the good or the bad.
Unfortunately, we don't always choose the good. Sometimes we opt for the bad and the ugly even when we know it's wrong. Other times we just find ourselves lost and struggling and it wasn't really intentional at all. We can find ourselves in dire circumstances because we have made poor choices, or we can find ourselves in dire circumstances because of someone else's poor choices. It's a struggle either way.
Be encouraged. Jesus is always there to help us. Today's passage is an excellent example of how we can grasp the power of Christ in our lives. Jesus came to a wedding party. The people hosting the wedding found themselves in a rough spot. All the wine was gone! Jesus' mother interceded and then said these wonderful words of guidance. "Whatever He says to you, do it." He told the servants to fill up jars with water and then take it to the master of the feast! They did it! And the water turned to the best wine ever!
Whatever we are going through, if we will just listen to what He is saying to us we will find what we need. It may not be what we want, but it will be what we need. It is all about a connection to Jesus. He has stated that we can come boldly to His throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.(Hebrews 4:16) That says it all. Choosing life is not just about making good choices, it is about doing it God's way even when it seems silly, hard or weird. Choose Life!