For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

Jesus is the Answer. The answer to what? The Human Dilemma. The whole Bible is a book about the plan of God's salvation for mankind--and that plan is revealed in Jesus Christ. God had told Adam and Eve that if they ate of tree of the knowledge of good and evil that they would surely die. And they did die. Not in the manner that we commonly think of death--like God took out a big stick and killed them. No. They died spiritually. The were separated from the presence of God. And where the absence of God is, then there is darkness and evil. And that has been our dilemma ever since.
But God wasn't done. He is merciful and compassionate and full of grace. He had a solution for our dilemma. But it wasn't a one and done wave your hand over the hat and pull out a rabbit kind of plan. This plan involved man. This plan came through a Man. God told the Deceiver, "I will put enmity between you and the woman and between her Seed and your seed. He shall crush your head, and you shall bruise His heel. (Genesis 3:15)
This awesome plan took thousands of years to come about. And that is what the Bible is all about. It is a recorded history of God's interaction with mankind in order to bring about their salvation. God chose a person (Abraham) and developed that person into a nation (Israel). And during all that time, God kept showing up and showing people what was right and how to act. He had them build a place of connection (the temple). And finally, God chose a woman (Mary) who gave birth to the One--God's only Son--Jesus. He lived a perfect life and then died on cross because that was the solution to our dilemma. And all who trust in Him and what He did for then have their dilemma solved. We receive forgiveness and get reconciled to God! That is the answer!
Today, if you have trusted in Christ, remember when you look out at the world that Jesus is the only answer to our dilemma. And if you haven't trusted in Jesus, He is only a prayer away: "Whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord (Jesus) shall be saved." (Romans 10:17) Jesus is the Answer!