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The Issue of Faith

Have you ever said that you were going to take a leap of faith? Although the phrase isn’t in the Bible, the idea of following God in faith is certainly Biblical, and there are times we may feel like we’re taking a leap. It doesn’t mean we are stepping out into the unknown; it merely means that we trust God.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

It’s likely if you feel God is asking you to act in faith, it will take you outside of your comfort zone. Feeling inadequate and completely unequipped to take on the task is not uncommon. The definition of leap is, jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force.

Many of us might like to step (even take baby steps) into an obedient act of faith because a leap is a big deal. It is a commitment once started. There can be no reliance on self; reliance must be squarely centered on God.

I have been on a faith journey over the last several months that has challenged me and shown me how God patiently and faithfully moves me in the right place at the right time; His timing is perfect.

My faith walk isn't new, and yours may not be either. The very foundation of what we believe hinges on faith. We believe in God by faith. We can’t see Him, but we know He is there. We receive salvation by faith. It's not something we can put our hands-on, but we know because we get guidance from the Holy Spirit that lives in us if we have it. We believe in these things we can’t see, touch, or smell, but we have no doubt they exist.

The journey I’m talking about is a faith that takes us deeper in our relationship with our good Father. Consider this quote as we dig deeper.

The issue of faith is not so much whether we believe in God, but whether we believe the God we believe in.

Believing God…not just believing in God. He will call us to be obedient to His direction in our lives, requiring us to move from knowing and acknowledging to acting. It takes us to a place of total and complete reliance on Him.

Those watching us may not understand what we are doing. Most likely, we don't see the entire plan as we take that initial leap. Indeed, this is the trademark of acting in faith.

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